Server-to-server integration

💥If you want to make a multistep task for more user engagement, this integration will work for you

We need to pass two variables — {publisher} and {clickid} — into the "start" or "startapp" parameter of the referral link that leads to your app/bot.

The link can have any type, the main thing is that you can extract {publisher} and {clickid} variables from it.

Link examples:{publisher}_{clickid}


  • {clickid} is filled on our side and contains a string of numbers up to 50 characters long.

  • {publisher} is also filled on our side and contains the ID of the specific platform from which the traffic is coming.


When the target event occurs, you must call a postback (HTTP GET) to the address:{PUBLISHER}&m=2&advert_id=YOUR_ADVERT_ID&click_id=123456&offer_id=YOUR_OFFER_ID&telegram_id=USER_TELEGRAM_ID&startapp=tappads_42_123456&is_old=false

{PUBLISHER} — the value we provided to you in {publisher} within the startapp field.

{CLICKID} — the value we provided to you in {clickid} within the startapp field.

{ADVERT_ID} — a unique identifier we issue to you when registering a personal account.

{OFFER_ID} — a unique identifier we issue to you when creating an offer.

{TELEGRAM_ID} — the telegram ID of the user, filled by the advertiser when the user completes an offer.

{STARTAPP} — the entire referral tail that we provided to you in startapp= (filled by the advertiser).

{IS_OLD} — filled by the advertiser, where is_old = true if the user has already been in your app / the conversion has already occurred. is_old = false if it is a new user. Payment will only be made for new users, but we need to receive postbacks for all.

Last updated